ScoutsBSA Position-Specific Training


Ever Scout Deserves a trained Leader!

What:    Scouts BSA Position-Specific Training.  The course will provide these positions with the basic information and tools they need to lead successful Scout troops:

    Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster (in person only) 0900-1330

    Troop Committee/Troop Committee Chair (in person/Zoom 0900-1130)

    Merit Badge Counselor (in person/Zoom 1200-1330)

Where:                 First Methodist Church

120 Greene St SE,
Huntsville, AL 35801       
Or Zoom except  Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training

“No food!”

When: Saturday 11 DEC 2021 0900-1330

Question: Rich Goodwin  (; 402-980-5459)


Talakto District Training Committee


Rich Goodwin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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