What: Talakto District is offering the Trainer’s EDGE course. The course is focused to provide and develop the training presentation skills for Trainers. This includes Pack, Troop, and Crew leaders teaching Scout skills, Troop Guides, Adult leaders, and those supporting NYLT, Woodbadge, Powderhorn, etc.
When: January 7th 2023 8am to 1pm
Where: Toney UMC 5465 Old Railroad Bed Rd. Toney AL., 35773
Uniform: Scout Uniform
As part of the training, Participants should come to the course prepared to give an 3 to 5 minute presentation for teaching a scout skill or activity using the EDGE method….Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable. Topics for this presentation can include, for example, tying a knot, tying a lashing, first aid bandage, sharpening a knife, building a fire, erecting a tent, etc. Approach the presentation as a “practice” opportunity and have fun with it. A wise person once said that “feedback is a gift” !!! Please call Tom Billig if you have any questions or need clarifications.
Registration: Contact Tom Billig at tomnangie71@yahoo.com or 256-617-4407