Talakto Leader Award Dinner

The Annual Talakto Leader Award dinner combined with the Whitney M Young banquet will be held January 11 at Holy Spirit Church at 6pm 

Tickets are $20 in advance. Ticket price will go up January 1.

Meal choice will need to be specified at time of ticket purchase: pork BBQ, chicken, vegetarian and if the person needs gluten free options.

Volunteer help will be needed for setup starting at 9am on the 11th. Please let Dianna O’Dell know if you can help.

If you would like to held provide Woodbadge critter decorations for tables, please let Dianna know. 256-656-1271 or Dianna_L_ODell@yahoo.com. You can sign up for where you would like to volunteer at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080C4CABAA22AAFD0-54148763-district

If your unit has not turned in their Award submissions, do that asap to Jim Charlton: jchar295@aol.com.