Scout Leader Position Specific Training is designed to give new leaders and leaders changing positions the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in their position.
The training brings together the basics of Scout Adult Leadership for each of the Adult positions in separate courses –Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, Den Leaders, Pack Committee, Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop Committee and Committee Chair, Merit badge Counselor, Venturing Adult Leaders and Committee members, and Sea Scout Adult Leaders.
Every young person in the Scouting Program needs and deserves a trained leader who understands how to deliver the aims of the program with enthusiasm and fun.
WHO: Scouting Adult leaders
WHEN: Saturday, October 15th , 8am to 1pm
WHERE: First United Methodist Church, 120 Greene St. NE., Huntsville,
AL 35801. (Same location as our District Roundtable)
SIGN-UP: https://form.jotform.com/222275336875059